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Technical details

The Rapic Receiver was a dedicated receiving and processing benchtop cabinet and an associated high quality RGB monitor.
Inside the cabinet was a power supply and four printed circuit cards plugged into a card cage utilising the multibus standard.

These cards were

The specification of the Rapic Receiver

Input Data: Digital 2400Baud, synchronous RS232C

Resolution: Range2km, * Angular 1 degree
* - Dependent on transmission equipment

240mm high x 450mm wide x 450mm deep
Barco monitor
266mm high x 405mm wide x 361mm deep

Power:240vac, 50Hz, 50watts
Raster generated 512 X 512 grid PPI, displayed on colour monitor from Red, Green, Blue and Sync signals

Ranges;125, 250, 500km selectable

00000 nautical miles
Quadrant Expansion: 9 per range with 2:1 enlargement

Overlays; user selectable, Maps(3) with text stored in eproms, Range rings

Display Format:
Background colour plus 6 precipation colours (selective rainfall level display)
Time of update, radar site, elevation angle displayed
Rainfall level legend
Time lapse sequence