Tell me what you know!Jump to HistoryCOSSOR CR353
Technical details

The specification of the radar includes

8 foot paraboloid(3), giving a beam of 2.8°(1) (2) 34dB gain
Azimuth rotation of 5 r.p.m.(3)
Elevation adjustable between 0° and 16°
?????Sector scan and manual control facilities provided
2800 Mc/s
600 K.W. peak power
Pulse length 2 microseconds at a PRF of 300 pps

Linear and logarithmic???????

-103dBm Receiver Noise Level with ????? amplifier
????PPI, Polar RHI and A Scan
Microwave link


(1)New Zealand Meteological Service Technical Note 211:"Use of the Cossor CR353 Radar for Remote Estimation of Rainfall Rates - A.P. Ryan"
(2)New Zealand Meteological Service Technical Note 184:"Calibration of the Cossor CR353 Weather Surveillance Radar - A.P. Ryan"
(3)Bureau of Meteorology Weather News No. 76 Nov. 1962